Amptech Wind Mill Transformers
Star Rated, Energy Efficient Transformers
Wind Mill Transformers are working with Step down voltage and Step up voltage with the same frequency. Wind Mill transformers operate fluctuation voltage and current while varying wind speed and are specially designed to withstand heavy short circuit current and Impulse voltage. Amptech Windmill transformers are manufacturing up to 2500 KVA and 33 KV Insulation level
Technical Specifications

- Standard
- Linear Tap Switch
- Pressure Relief Valve
- Magnetic type oil level indicator
- Cover mounted core-coil assembly
- Marshelling box with mercury control switch for temperature
- Digital meter provided for measuring temperature
Manufacturing of Energy Efficient Transformers as per IS-1180 Part 1-2014 quality standards. We do various levels of rigorous testing to ensure trouble-free working.
Designed to reduce losses and operate in environments with high vibrations, harsh ambient conditions where salt, sand, dust and humidity
Windmill turbine transformers act as a link between wind turbines and distribution grid. It steps up the low output voltage from the generator to higher distribution voltage level.
100% cost saving and ensure a short pay-back time on the investment
Application of Industries

Wind Mill

Wind Mill

Wind Mill