Amptech Distrbution Transformers
Distribution Transformer is an electrical transformer receives high electrical power from Electricity Board or Power Utilities and converts it to low electrical power and distributes it to various lower power utilities. This electrical energy is differing for commercial consumers, residential consumers, and light industry consumers.
Technical Specifications
- KVA : 1 Phase up to 33 KV, 200 KVA
- KVA : 3 Phase up to 33 KV/433 V, 500 KVA
- Frequency : 50/60 Hz
- Applicable Standards : IS-2026, IEC-76, ANSI.C.57
- Core : Mitre Type, Stack CRGO, Laser Type
- Winding : Copper/Aluminium
- Insulation Fluid : Mineral Oil, IS-335
- Class of Insulation : Class – A
- Cooling : ONAN
- Tap Changing : Off circuit Tap Changer / On Load Tap Changer

- Standard
- HV/LV Cable Boxes,
- Pressure Relief Valve,
- On load Tap changers with RTTC Panel
- Winding Temperature Indicator
- Oil Temperature Indicator
- Marshelling box with mercury control switch for temperature
- Double Float Buchholz Relay
- Magnetic Oil level Gauge and Arching Horns.
Manufacturing of Energy Efficient Transformers as per IS-1180 Part 1-2014 quality standards. We do various levels of rigorous testing to ensure trouble-free working
Used in a wide spectrum of commercials and industries ranging from mills, textiles, food factories, oil and gas plants and refineries.
100% cost saving and ensure a short pay-back time on the investment
Application Industries

Commercial Complexes

Refrigeration Units

Food Industries